Only 3:00pm?! She was surprised at how quickly the time had
passed. The day was already halfway
over! She didn’t remember checking the
time even once since their arrival at 10:00am.
Had they even stopped to take a break?
Only 3:00pm?! He couldn’t believe time was moving so
slowly. He felt as if they’d been there
for days... they’d waited in line after line after line. He checked his watch constantly; silently
begging her to sit down to rest. He
loved seeing her so happy, but boy was he tired!
She knew that by
tomorrow morning, the memories of her magical day would be swirling through her
head. By then, she’ll be wishing she
could go back and relive her whole day.
With him. Here. She wanted it to last forever.
He noticed that she
was staring at his face, probably daydreaming or completely lost in
thought. 3:01pm when he checked his
watch this time.
about if we sit down and get a drink or something?” He was almost certain she
would insist that they keep going to the next attraction, but she simply
nodded. She took his hand and let him
lead her to a bench. They sat, still
holding hands. He looked down at his
watch again. 3:02pm.
Suddenly, as if
waiting for his cue, music came screaming through the park speakers. They both recognized the song and looked at
each other with shock and confusion. Avicii’s
“Wake Me Up” played loudly as they watched one, then two, then three (and so
on!) park-goers dance in unison.
“Seriously, a flash-mob?!” He rolled his eyes. Then he smiled. He didn't want to admit it, but this actually
amused him.
She watched on in
amazement. When the song ended, the
dancers left their marks and started walking on as if nothing had
happened. She squeezed his hand and
“I love this place.”