Wednesday, November 6, 2013

She stopped and stood still. He moved up next to her, confused.

"All of this is new.  I've never seen it before.  Let's go!"  She looked up at him and smiled, but before he could ask any questions, he was being pulled along.  

Once again, she weaved them in and out of the crowds.
They entered a shop.  Finally: a store dedicated to Beauty and the Beast.  She picked up every item on the shelves and examined it (and the price).  She read every quote on the walls and on the merchandise, occasionally reading aloud to him.

Without purchasing anything, they exited the store and were once again at the entrance to the 
New Fantasyland.

Looking around, he recognized architecture and symbols.  He’d seen them all in the movies she’d made him watch before their visit.  The castles were exactly like the animated castles in the movies.  Incredible.  Thinking back, this reminded him of something he’d read in school.  What was the name of it?  Oh, right.  Illuminations by Walter Benjamin.  

‘In principle a work of art has always been reproducible.  Manmade artifacts could always be imitated by men.’

He opened his mouth to share his revelation with her, but she was already saying,
“Let’s go look at the menu for the new restaurant!  It’s called Be Our Guest!”

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