She pulls him along as they weave through the crowd of strangers. Her sights are set on the castle,
majestically towering over everything else.
A small gathering of people distract her, though. Small children anxiously waiting in a line while their parents rummage through their day-packs and pull out autograph books and pens.
“What are they all waiting for?” he asks. Clueless.
“Someone’s there! Let’s go! Let’s go!” she tugs his arm and takes off in a quick trot. She ignores his rolling eyes and teasing sigh as he jogs behind her.
“Here, you wait in line and hold our spot while I see who it is.” He rolls his eyes again, but this time he smiles. He loves seeing her so excited, so caught up in her childhood. He watches as she makes her way to the front of the crowd, careful not to upset the people who were ahead of them. On her way back to him, she is stopped by a little girl wearing a princess costume. She bends down, smiling, and says something to her. She’s probably complimenting her dress, he thinks to himself. He sees her giggle and wave goodbye to the little girl, nod and smile at her parents, and continue back to him.
“Okay,” she continues as she takes her place in line next to him. “I’m going to describe the character and then you have to try to guess who it is!”
He nods.
“She has a wide-brimmed hat, red lipstick, and a lace parasol!”
“Is she a lady going to the Kentucky Derby?”
“NO! Do you give up?”
He nods again.
“It’s Mary Poppins!”
She remembers that he has never seen the movie, so waiting in line for a picture would be meaningless to him. She decides to move on. Besides, the one she really wants to meet…is Belle.
Blogger wishfulthinking users dialogue between two abstract characters to provide a narrative. The blogger gives enough detail to allow the readers to experience the rapport and close relationship between the two characters, but leaves enough detail absent to foster interest from the reader. The nature of the relationship, whether it be familial, an amicable friendship, or an intimate is never specified. This aspect of the story is left to the interpretation of the reader. The main character, and whose personality is invaded and paraded for the reader is that of a female. She takes charge from the beginning of the post, with her sights in mind. Her dominance over the situation is derived from both her superiority of intelligence of all things Disney. She playfully laughs at the ignorance of her companion, exemplifying this. Jumping at the chance of seeing any of the Disney character shows her knowledge, while her companion lacks this enthusiasm. Her companion only is seen deriving joy, when the girl finds pleasure in the Disney theme park Magic Kingdom. This joy viewed by the reader makes it appear that the boy serves as the girl’s significant other. The two appear to be in their late teens or late twenties. They themselves are no longer kids, but they have no children of their own and still take joy in the theme park. The girl particularly takes part, as it is insinuated that it played an important part in her childhood. The girl exemplifies the predominance of Disney, both their theme parks and cinematic production, plays a large role in many children’s childhoods. Disney has a wide scope of whom they affect. The picture epitomizes the life like affect of Disney by showing a real life character of Mary Poppins. The meeting of real life characters allows wishfulthinking to weave in another blog to their post. They weave in the blog “The Belle,” by sending the two characters off to find real life Belle.